How much does firewood cost in Victoria, BC?
We are often asked why our prices are higher than those found on classified listings such as Craigslist. While there may some deals to be had out there, it’s a risk vs. reward decision that can leave you cold and perturbed to say the least. Victoria Firewood Inc is a professional firewood delivery service that operates year round and we provide residents somewhat of an essential service. Our clients not only appreciate our service but they rely on it keep their families warm during the winter. We pay taxes, wcb and we run our business in an manner that is as ethical and environmentally sound as possible.
While we believe anyone willing to hike into the bush, drag out logs, cut them and store them long enough to insure they are seasoned and ready to burn deserves a pat on the back, we simply want to bring some honesty and credibility to this industry. Most of the competition you will see on craigslst, kijiji or usedvictoria sells illegally acquired firewood and operate an illegal business that is often uninsured, not covered by WCB and probably doesn’t pay taxes. All of our logs are scaled, tagged and purchased legally. We are part of the logging industry and not only do our employees depend on us but the people who buy our products.
Naturally Seasoned Firewood For Sale by the Cord
Get the best locally sourced firewood from Victoria Firewood Inc. delivered in pallets by the cord. Our naturally seasoned firewood is limited in quantity so be sure to order your early!
Kiln Dried Firewood For Sale by the Cord
Kiln dried firewood from Victoria Firewood Inc is premium grade Fir that has been heated to a temperature of 160 degrees ferenheit for a minimum of 3 days to insure easy burning and no bugs! Order our kiln dried bulk firewood by the cord today!
Kiln Dried Firewood For Sale by the Bundle
Kiln dried firewood bundles are the most convenient and easy to use product we have to offer. The best part about bundles is that we never run out. Order a pallet of our local BC firewood bundles today!
About Victoria Firewood Inc
Victoria Firewood Inc is the Islands best local firewood supplier. Located in the heart of Victoria, BC, we have been heating homes with the best quality firewood since 2008.