Get the best locally sourced firewood from Victoria Firewood delivered by the cord in pallets. Our naturally seasoned firewood is limited in quantity so be sure to order yours early! Thank you.
Kiln Dried Firewood For Sale by the Cord - CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE
Kiln dried firewood from Victoria Firewood Inc is available in Fir Mixed, Maple, Arbutus or Alder and heated to a temperature of 160 degrees fahrenheit for a minimum of 3 days to insure easy burning and no bugs! Order our kiln dried bulk firewood by the cord today!
Kiln Dried Firewood For Sale by the Bundle - IN STOCK!
Welcome to Victoria Firewood Inc
Are you looking for the best burning, most reliable and environmentally ethical firewood in Victoria, British Columbia?
We provide an excellent selection of naturally seasoned, kiln dried and bundled firewood products. The best part is that we’ve never cut down a single tree! We are proud to be from Victoria, BC and deliver to locations all over Greater Victoria and Vancouver Island including Mill Bay, Sannich, Oak Bay, Metchosin, Happy Valley, Langford, Sooke, Sidney, Highlands, Westshore, Colwood and the surrounding areas.
Team Victoria Firewood

Philipp Lauk
– Linear Thinker –
Phil is the hardest working, most tenacious person I’ve ever met. He doesn’t give up even when he probably should! After taking over as President & CEO of Victoria Firewood Inc in 2013, he took a little company with a lot of promise and turned it into a fully scalable operation with a focused direction towards becoming the biggest residential firewood delivery service in the country. As my oldest friend, colleague, business partner and sometimes nemesis when it comes to decision making, I’ve witnessed the incredible sacrifices Phil made to help build this business into what it is today. I’m not sure anyone else could have made this work. He shares grand visions for where this company will be in 5, 10 and 20 years and we look forward to helping him get it there.
When Phil doesn’t have a broken arm, a torn ACL, a chipped tooth or some other ailment, he’s an avid Dragonboat paddler and long distance runner. He has a couple nicknames but none of them are suitable for the public. After writing this bio i think I might start calling him “Icepack”.

Martin Lauk
– Filter between Linear & Non-Linear –
Martin, aka Tuna, is the epitome of loyal, humble and honest. He’s man’s man. A dude’s dude. Bro Montana and his favorite song is Brohemian Rhapsody. His ability to problem solve and fix pretty much anything is his greatest asset when it comes to the day to day operations. Working in the hospitality industry helped him develop excellent customer service skills and a lovable personality people always seem to remember. As the brother of the President of Victoria Firewood and friend of the founder / Director of Marketing & Stuff, Martin is acts as the filter and negotiator between two linear and non-linear thinkers. His even keeled, cool and collected demeanor often offers the business common sense that is required to maintain sanity between the two heads of the company. With a background in logistics and engineering, Martin is an integral cog within this business and he looks forward to helping us improve efficiency while maintaining continuity as we expand.
If Martin didn’t have to work another day in his life I’m pretty sure we’d find him living in a cabin on the lake somewhere between here and Nanaimo widdling sticks, building things and watching rerun episodes of “How it’s made”.

Sean Ryan Grove
– Non-Linear Thinker –
Hey, I’m Sean otherwise known as “Grover”.
As the founder of this business I have been fortunate to partner up with two of the best buds a guy could ask for. As the web designer and marketing guy, it seems odd to write my own bio on here so I’ll just offer a quick summation that says I have a solid background in online marketing, SEO, graphic design and share a grand vision of what this company can be yadda yadda yadda. Phil, Martin and I have been friends since we were 13 and they are both a pain in my butt, my brothers from another mother and a saving grace.
The good news is that while we are all incredibly different people, we share a common goal when it comes to this business. We push each other to be better and more importantly, we are great friends who understand that the dynamic we have as a team makes us perfect business partners. If we didn’t have Phil, we would have utter chaos and no firewood. If we didn’t have me, you wouldn’t have found us and you would still be waiting for wet wood to show up four hours late. If we didn’t have Martin, nothing would be in working order at the mill.
What are we going to do today brain? Try and take over the world…
The History of Victoria Firewood Inc
Victoria Firewood: Established in 2008
Our goal was to build a reliable business that delivers consistently great firewood while providing the best level of service possible. We take a waste product and turn it into a commodity that people can rely on and we are proud to be responsible for doing so in an evironmentally sensitive manner.
2008: I have an idea… It’s called Victoria Firewood!
Victoria Firewood Inc started out as a couple of friends from different work backgrounds who recognized the local firewood industry was lacking an online presence, quality service and product consistency. After getting the short end of a deal to supply our homes with firewood, we realized we weren’t alone. The whole city was tired of late deliveries, wet wood and questionable characters showing up at their door in an old broken down pickup truck in the middle of the night. We decided it was time for us to take the onus of providing Victoria with the best firewood service ever! So we built a website and headed out to the bush with a pickup truck, a chainsaw, a couple axes and a big idea.
The first couple years were tough but they taught us a few quick lessons. The biggest lesson was to respect our fellow firewood vendors and those who paved the way for us to be here. As we flew out of the gate we ran into a fellow named Brian from Enviroharvesting. Firewood had been his livelihood for over 20 years and when he noticed our company, he decided to give us a call. His first suggestion was to stay away from the classified ads race to the bottom. He warned us that we would do nothing but lose money. Being young and naive, we took his suggestions the wrong way and brushed aside his years of experience. Then we lost a lot of money… Over the next two years the structure of our business took a few turns as we figured out the logistical problems related to building a firewood company. Our phones rang off the hook but finding great firewood just wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be. We were starting to understand why it’s so hard to provide a consistently great product.

2011/12: Let’s get serious and change the way firewood is delivered
The 2011/2012 season brought some major changes to the way we did business. With a couple major investments in a 3 ton cube truck, custom build pallets and an electric powered pallet jack, we were able to increase efficiency for our business while adding a new unprecedented level of convenience for our customers. We now supply all of our wood on custom built storage units that hold 1/2 cord each. This gives our customers the opportunity to see exactly what they are getting in every order from Victoria Firewood before they pay for it. Don’t like stacking firewood? Call us!
2013: Go all in with the worlds fastest mobile firewood processor
Since the inception of our business we had a problem where we couldn’t cut firewood fast enough to deliver to all of our customers. In 2013 we made a substantial investment to buy the worlds biggest and fastest firewood processor known as the Cord King. This monster machine allows us to cut up to 50 cords per day! We were still a long ways from being able to get to everyone but this did bring us a huge step closer.
2013: Let’s heat things up with kiln Dried Firewood
The most costly and difficult part of a firewood business is providing a consistent product. Getting wet logs to dry out so they have a moisture content rating of 21% or less take time, space and requires capital to purchase massive inventories of logs. During the summer of 2013 we teamed up with a world renown German smoke house engineer and invented our first firewood kilns built using used shipping containers and heated using firewood and water. This gave us the opportunity to turn the process of seasoning firewood from 6 months or more through natural means down to 3 to 6 days without the use of non-renewable energy. It also ensured our firewood would have no mold nor creepy crawly bugs.
2015: The business of firewood
When people said it would take blood, sweat and tears to be entrepreneurs, we took it literally. We were told there was no money in firewood. We were told we would never be able to find enough logs to be able to business. We were given every excuse of why it just couldn’t be done. It took us seven years, half a million bucks, a broken arm, 32 cuts, 19 headaches, 461 ichiban dinners and 1976 splinters to get to this point. We are constantly learning new ways to fine tune our operations but we are bigger and better than ever. We look forward to seeing how far we can take this business that seemingly felt like everyone outside of our customers told us wouldn’t work.
2015 gave us the opportunity to save up enough money to level out 8 acres of land, add gravel, grade it and have The Ministry of Forestry, BC reward us with certification as an official log scaling site. This allowed us to purchase logs in much larger volumes which increasing productivity while reducing our carbon footprint.
2016: Vancouver Island’s BIGGEST firewood company
We have huge plans for this company! Over the course of the next few years we look forward to expanding into new territories and bringing Victoria’s charm to other major cities across Canada like Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto to name a few. As we continue to build, create and expand the little firewood company that could, we’ll always remember where we came from and the people who helped us get here.
Thank you to our families, mentors, old friends and new one’s that have helped us get past the lumps and bumps that come with starting a new business. Thank you to the loggers, lumberjacks and woods people from The BC Ministry of Forests, Land and Natural Resources, Timberwest, Island Timberlands and Western Forest Products for believing we have what it takes to reinvent an age old industry while helping make Canada’s most abundant renewable resource that much more efficient, ethical and sustainable. Being accepted as a tiny little part of one of the Island’s biggest industries is truly a great honor. Most importantly, thank the our loyal customers who have consistently supported our efforts. Thank you to those who invited neighbors, family or friends over to help stack firewood only to realize we deliver our firewood pre-stacked in pallets. The look on your faces when we unload the first pallet is priceless and it keeps us motivated knowing we are on the right track. It hasn’t come easy for us but the positive support and reaction to our product is what fuels our fire and drives us towards becoming the best little firewood company on the planet.
The single greatest thing you did for us was believe in our business and appreciate our service. This is it, our dream is alive!
From Phil, Sean, Martin and the rest of team at Victoria Firewood, we offer our sincerest thank you. We are honored to be a part of this amazing community we call Victoria and look forward to heating your home in 2016 as well as the coming years to follow.
We are humbly yours Victoria. Our team had a great idea and we put in the hard work but you are what made us a success.
We are the original Victoria Firewood Inc.